Wednesday, August 24, 2011

2011 Reunion News

We are back! 
Before I give the rundown of this year's family reunion, 
I would like to thank Greg and Teresa Steelsmith for taking the time to reserve the pavilion for next year. I really appreciate you saving me the trip.

Now, on to the what's what of 2011's get together.

There was a questionnaire passed out, and the chicken was voted to stay, as was the auction
(both of which are personal favorites of mine, so I'm glad you all feel the same way).
The chicken will continue to be paid for with the treasury money, and we will continue meeting 
at the Lebanon Memorial Park.

Also on the questionnaire was the question:
"Would you be willing to serve as an officer?" to which a very small handful of people said "yes."
I (Aaron Benge) was made the President, and James Benge was made the Vice President / Treasurer / Social Organizer / Public Relations Liaison / Event Coordinator / etc.
The terms of office are 2 years for the President and from what I understand, 37 years for all other offices.
Thanks uncle James for having my back. It means a lot to me.

As you can see, the website has been updated, and the counter restarted.
I apologize for not posting more often than I did last year. I will be more diligent in the years to come.
Send me your old photos! Mary Alice gave me Virgil's old presidential Cadillac bag of Benge family history, so in the months to come I will be posting Family Tree info and other interesting things I find in there.
I am still looking for the list of who won each of the titles for Longest Drive, Newest baby, ect.
The list is in the bag or tote somewhere. Wish me luck.

I will leave you with some photos from this year, and a thanks to my Great Uncle George Benge, who answered the " you can help" question with
...Uncle Jim and I can use all of that that we can get!

(remember, click on any picture to see the full size

...maybe next year Andrew will let me get a picture of him.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Stay Tuned!

Hey, everybody! In case you missed this year's reunion, I wanted to give an update on how it went. The weather was the best it's been in three years; not too hot, not too cold. We thought we might get rained out there for a while, but it passed. The food was fantastic (as always), and the auction went well. ...And we didn't have to share the pavilion with strangers!
I will be posting photos, and a list of newly appointed officers as soon as I get a chance to go through the "tote."
We would like to thank Mary Alice for graciously holding the office of President for the last 5 years. Yes, you read it correctly, 5 years. Thank you. We appreciate everything you've done!

We had sort of a small turnout this year, so lets try to get the word out early for next year. It would be nice to see some folks who don't usually come... I'll start working on my brother and sister ASAP.
Check back here often. I will be adding and changing things in the weeks to come.